Global Lounge affiliate Stephen Aifegha named Top 10 Black American Artists to Watch in 2023 by Singulart.
Stephen is an award-winning African artist based in the United States whose paintings have been exhibited nationally. He describes the subject matter and narrative of his works as centering on historical, social, and cultural issues that concern Africa, with regards to "cultural syncretism, identity issues, culture clash, and pride". Aifegha's art reflects the issues that the continent faces, from pre-colonial to post-colonial history, referencing the challenges and setbacks that remain because of it, in Africa to this day.
« My artistic practice is influenced by my identity and culture as an African, being born and raised in Nigeria. However, I identify myself more as African than 'Nigerian'. »
The season’s kick-off is a grand New Year’s Eve celebration. Ground zero is OVO Beach on Maldonado Bay. We walked to the celebration, our apartment being just six blocks from the bay. This proved opportune as traffic was at a standstill. People filled every available patch of street, sidewalk, and sand. Elbowing our way towards the shore, we were absorbed into the throng of revelers, holding champagne in one hand to toast in 2019, smartphone in the other to record their presence. As the crowd counted down, corks popped and digital shutters snapped. At the stroke of midnight fireworks began all around Maldonado Bay. It must have been quite the sight if seen high up from a penthouse balcony or far off from a boat. The entire bay was a backdrop for a panorama of sparkling aerial dancers. Our view, down on the sand, was a bit more intimate; we were inside the fury, underneath a canopy of loud explosions and sizzling color. When the light show stopped, the all-night party started. Revelers, who had come a great distance and at great expense and were not going to waste a precious moment of their summer holiday, stayed to party. Those of us who lived here and enjoyed this paradise every day nonchalantly relinquished the beaches, clubs, and restaurants to the tourists. Echoes and reflections from the fete escorted us home.
Read MoreWe are thrilled to offer Global Gardens another CSA pick up location for the upcoming season. A CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) is a summer-long subscription for a weekly bag full of fresh, spray-free, locally grown veggies grown by refugee farmers here in the Treasure Valley. By joining a Global Gardens CSA, you are supporting small-scale farmers, strengthening our local food system, and guaranteeing yourself some of the healthiest, tastiest produce around.
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